Saturday, April 16, 2011

A Daughter's Holy Week Blog, April 10, 2007

Tuesday, April 10, 2007
The Triduum at Our House

It took awhile to get Holy Week started at home but by the time Holy Thursday came, we had covered out images and stripped the altar. The girls also worked on the Life of Jesus poster to show the Last Supper as we read various versions of the Easter Story, by Speirs, Spirin and Wildsmith, all illustrated with beautiful paintings.

My husband was given an opportunity to stay with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel until it was closed for the next two days. On Thursday evening, we had a special meal of Spinach Quiche to commemorate part of the Passover Meal, then attended the Mass of the Lord's Supper. We sat as close as possible to the front so the girls could get a better view of the Washing of the Feet. On Good Friday, we caught the last part of the Tre Oro and then attended the Service at 3 p.m. We tried to observe Quiet Time at home, as much as any family with below-fivers can do. No music, no video, just DDR entertainment for the girls. Although my husband did not give up his usual beverages, the girls violently prohibited him from making coffee on a water day. They were apparently very convincing.

Holy Saturday was a blend of busyness, mostly in the kitchen to get a headstart on the Easter feasting, and quiet reflection through our read-alouds about Jesus' last moments. The snow on the ground gave that morning a peaceful aura, and as the day warmed enough to melt the snow, a feeling of anticipation for the coming Feast. It was a risk but we decided to bring the girls to the Easter Vigil. We hoped that their senses will be kept keen by the beautiful outfits they are wearing, by the smell of incense, by the holy water sprinkled on them .... and to actually be allowed to hold a candle! It worked for the 5-year old panganay. All those things plus hearing the Gloria and Alleluia again, the bells were ringing, the flowers crowding around the altar, and all five priests and two deacons in vestments of resplendent gold and white. 3-year old bunso slept an hour of the 2.5 hour Mass, and that actually helped us. Husband and I agreed that this was one of our better Easter Vigils. We weren't busy singing (or anticipating songs or clutching music pieces) and had time to be aware of each moment. We heard every word, from the Service of Light's Blessing of the Fire, lighting of the Paschal Candle, and Deacon Ted's Exsultet--

Rejoice, heavenly powers! Sing choirs of angels!
Exult, all creation around God's throne!
Jesus Christ, our King is risen!

Sound the trumpet of salvation!

This is night,
when Christians everywhere,
washed clean of sin and freed from all defilement,
are restored to grace and grow together in holiness.

through all the readings of the Liturgy of the Word, the Liturgy of Baptism for four new members of the Church (and a bunch more for Confirmation), and the Liturgy of the Eucharist that ended with a sung Thanks be to God, alleluia, alleluia. The choir was a just a handful of members leading us in singing the Latin chants. The entire Mass was so low-key and simple that it helped us appreciate the moment's grandeur.

The Lord has Risen!

Bunso woke up as a parishioner handed both girls two Easter bags of candies, colorful eggs, and a ceramic Celtic cross. The lady knew us only by face, having seen us these many years as a couple up in the choir and now as a family of four. That put the girls in the proper mood for the ride home at close to midnight, to a quick changing of our altar linen and unveiling of statues at home, then to an ice cream treat before bed. It was an awesome Easter! And it was just the beginning.

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